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Need to contact us about an issue or just want to say hi?
Our Team are ready to take your answers.
How do I get a course?Go to Our Projects Page and select the course you wish to obtain. Depending on the type of course, FREE, Fly High Free or Subscription you will be asked to either log in or it will automatically take you to the course to get started.
What are FREE CoursesSimply these are courses that are absoutely free to use and no sign-up is required ever!
What are Fly High Free CoursesThese are courses that are completely free to use but will require you to sign-up to our website to gain access. Signing up to our website is 100% free to do and offers a wide range of benefits including progress tracking and Parental Controls for your child.
What are Subscription Required CoursesThese are Courses or Workshops that require purchase before use. It will also require you to be a member of our site. Becoming a member of our site is complete free. Depending on the Course or Workshop that you have chosen it may be a one off single payment or could be a recurring payment each year/month or week. Full Details are found in the course description when you click 'Get Started'
How do I cancel a subscription?This can be done via your Parents Area on your Account. Go to Recent Purchases > find the course/workshop you wish to cancel > Click cancel subscription. Note: Cancelling a subscription will mean you will lose access to the course and any record of progress made will be lost.
I cancelled a subscription but am still being chargedIf this occurs please contact us immediately and we can resolve this for you.
I purchased/signed up to a course but cannot gain accessPlease make sure that you are signed in on our site. You will see your name or child's name located on the top right under the social media icons if you are signed in. If not Click Join us Today to sign in to our site, then refresh the page. If you continue to have issues accessing a course, please contact us.
I cannot remember my password?No worries! Simply log in as you would, enter a password that you think is correct. Then click on the Forgot My Password. A reset password email will be sent to your account to reset your password.
I've changed my email address, what should I do?"If you wish to transfer your account to another email address, please contact us today and we can go through the relevant steps to ensure that you do not lose any progress on Workshops and Courses that you may of completed.
Why can't I have more than one child under a single accountUnfortuantely at this time this is not possible. Our account system currently allows only one child per email account and the email account can only be used once. This is something in the future we will be looking into resolving and impoving on.
I closed my account, but want to re-join can I?"Of course! Note that all details that were collected on your previous account would of been destoryed when you deleted your account previously, so when you re-join it will act like you are a new customer. We cannot restore any old purchases or progress as these are no longer available on our systems.
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